Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The penitent blogger

Bad blogger. Bad, bad blogger.

So go my self-recriminations when I consider blogging colleagues like her and him, both of whom are dealing with as much as I, have somehow have found time to post more regularly.

With that in mind, I present the following quick takes on my life and the world in general:

  • Mrs. Zoom is in a period of mourning, as she will probably never be able to color her hair again. After a five-year hiatus since her last coloring incident (which ended in an allergic reaction), she again tried to color her hair black —this time with a “foolproof” ammonia-free dye. Just over 24 hour hours later, she was in the emergency room, her scalp and neck covered in welts and the pain in her back making breathing next to impossible. It really sucks when the suffering of loved ones causes you tangible pain. But it’s worth the trade-off to know there is another human being to whom you’re that close.

  • This whole democracy in the Middle East thing is starting to gain legs — first in Lebanon, then in Egypt. Bushies should not feel at liberty to back-slap yet by any means, but the president’s idealism is looking a little less fanciful by the day. Read more here.

  • Auditions for Springfield’s largest community theater venue, the Springfield Muni Opera, started last weekend and continue this weekend. Mrs. Z and I both auditioned. Look here in the next week or two for updates.

  • I’m really looking forward to St. Patrick’s Day this year. Not that I don’t always celebrate it with gusto, but I am fascinated to see the subpoena-enforced appearances of many of the central players in baseball’s steroid scandal. That hissing sound you’ll hear is the last of the air escaping from the doomed dirigible of steroid naiveté.

More later …

1 comment:

MzOuiser said...

OH, POOR Mrs. Z!! Please extend my condolences. I hope she's feeling better. And that she has hair left? You know, wigs are a LOT of fun!

You forgot about bitch sessions. We had bitch sessions every year while waiting for the aud results. Normally involving "I can't believe we bust our asses to be in these lame-ass shows" and "How can we get (person X) to go back into the closet and stop trying to out-queen everyone?"

And other such politically correct things.