Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A postcard from Hell

Mrs. Z and I were recruited during the run of Jekyll & Hyde to be in the theater's Christmas show. The vocal director, begged us to be in it. We agreed.

Then, we found out the show didn't have a rehearsal pianist. Or a costumer. Or a props person. Or a light designer.

What it did have was a cast full of ... spirited ... children and a handful of veteran actors.

Then, three weeks ago, the schmuck who dragged us into the show quit. So, we've been trying to learn music without a vocal director or a pianist. We have, on the bright side, found a costumer and a props person, and we have a bead on a possible draftee for light design. But we don't have a light or sound board operator, several cast members are struggling mightily with lines and music, and the show is running about three hours.

Oh, and did I mention we open a week from Friday?

Almost makes me long for the days of my UTI.


Dr. Dexter said...

You know... most people feel that the actor's nightmare is standing on a stage in front of a live audience, in a show for which you don't know the lines. I say nay... What you are going through is the actor's nightmare... Or shall I say, rather, the actor's hell!

MzOuiser said...

I'm still waiting for the short bus stories.

Dr. Zoom said...

Patience, dearheart. I have a brief entry to put up today, and I'm thinking the Tales of the Short Bus will go live next week.