Monday, December 05, 2005

At least my cave is impressive

Days until the Opening of Theater Armageddon: 7
Show Status: UPGRADED to “Bad”

Well thankfully, last night marked our last rehearsal singing along with the crappy CD during the musicals numbers because of not having an accompanist. The sets look nice, but they're difficult to move (and in fact, we had two set malfunctions last night). The props are coming together well.

We also finally had our lights set. Unfortunately, we still are without anyone to actually run the light board. Ditto the soundboard, which may be even more crucial, because the plan is to body mic several performers. That will require some finesse on the part of the sound operator. (The light board, by contrast, is programmable and could be run by a trained monkey.)

People are doing somewhat better on lines, and have started to show the ability to plow on even when there are problems. There's still some work to do here as well, however.

All in all, I'm entering tech week proper with a feeling of "eh."

1 comment:

Justin said...

I am sorry to hear about the armageddon on stage...that sucks.

I am currently having one of the most interesting rehearsals processes (?) I have ever had. We had to be off book before the first rehearsal. Let me say, as one who likes to hold on to the book until the last minute...i will always go in with as much memorized as possible now.

The cool part is our directors, yes 2. One is English and has worked as RSC and is very technique based. Very visual. The other is Russian and very psychological realism. Talk about 2 ends of the spectrum...but it is fun...I wish you the best on the beast.