Monday, April 10, 2006

Orbits: Part 1 of an Open-Ended Image Essay Series

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I have a tendency to give people the benefit of the doubt -- perhaps to a fault. One example is my forgiving nature when it comes to friends who fall out of contact with me. My explanation for this is that people are like celestial bodies -- all with their own orbits. They rotate around the things that are most important in their lives, and it's not my place to judge the center of someone's universe.

Rather, I enjoy the time my oribt takes me into the paths of friends whom I don't see often. And I trust the fact that once our orbits have completed, we'll enjoy fellowship again.

True friends, on the other hand are gravitationally attracted to one another to the point where the orbits seem to coalesce. And those are special friends indeed.

(One editorial note: I apologize for my infrequency of posting, but health and other issues have kept me away. Hopefully this bit of metaphysical meat is enough for you to chew on for a while.)


Average Jane said...

I hope I fall into a "True Friends" category, at least one day :)

Hey, and ummm, could you please stop staring at my "celestial body" - geez!


MzOuiser said...

Thanks Sweetie.

jerrynixon said...
