Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The Democratic Party: Alienating America one voter at a time

I don't know whether to swear or laugh. Maybe I'll do both.

Earlier today, a friend of mine sent me a link to a petition on the Democratic Web site regarding the filibuster-removal initiative now being considered by the U.S. Senate.

Now, regular readers of my blog probably have me correctly pegged as a political conservative. However, this whole idea of changing the filibuster procedure to suit one party really bugs me. So, I decided to go ahead and sign the petition.

I included this comment:

I've never liked the filibuster as a matter of procedure, but I stop short of thinking it should be abolished -- particularly when the procedural change would target just one type of deliberation.

I also think detractors of this measure are doing the debate a disservice by referring to it as "the nuclear option." That type of rhetoric benefits no one.

That said, I will add my name to this petition.

I immediately received the following automatically generated e-mail message:


Thank you for taking action on Democrats.org. It's Democrats like you
who help us make a difference.

An account has been created for you on Democrats.org. To log into your
account, please click on the link below. If you did not create this
account, do not be concerned -- this information has been sent to this
email address only.


Here are a few more things you can do on Democrats.org:

Build Your Online Team: Help us build strength in numbers: create your
personal online team of friends, family, neighbors -- anyone you think
would be interested in the Democratic message. We'll send you inside
information from the Democratic Party, which you can pass on to your


Create Your Personal Democrats.org Webpage: Sign up to become a
grassroots fundraiser today. First, you'll create your own personal webpage on
Democrats.org. Then, tell your friends, send emails with a link to your
page, and urge people to visit and contribute. You can even see how
much you've raised.


Make a Contribution: We can't win without your support. Your dollars
allow us to fund our field programs, spread our positive message, and
fight back against Republican attacks.

-- The DNC Internet Team

Well, as you can imagine, I was not thrilled. I sent this message to the Webmaster:

I am NOT a Democrat and resent VERY HIGHLY being labeled as one in your automatic response simply because I agree with you on the filibuster issue.

I really hope someone gets this, because it has crystallized my distrust of your party . That's sad, as this is the one time I decided to reach across party lines to voice my opinion.

--Steve Sykes

I wonder if I'll get a response.


Dr. Zoom said...

It may very well be that Republicans have made the same blunder on their Web site. I don't know.

Unknown said...

Note to self: don't sign ANYTHING.

Still, that's pretty pretentious.