Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Gloom ... despair ... agony

We have just encountered a major, unexpected expense which will have the immediate upshot of forcing us to cancel our Thanksgiving trip to Minnesota.

I had damn well better clip through Kübler-Ross's stages of grief in the next week, or my birthday will be as happy as a horse shooting.


Sassy said...

ugh...suck. Financial surprises are usually the worst kind. :(

Hang in there, Dr. Zoom.. :)

Ms. Hep said...

Well...I'll make it up to ya with a groovy "White Trash Thanksgiving Lap Dance" :P

Dr. Zoom said...

(Eddie Izzard voice) Oh, Sue!

I actually was able to blast through the stages pretty damn quickly (more on that in a proper post later today, perhaps). And I'm glad to have you aboard. The more the merrier.

I checked out your site, too. Wow. That's going to have to become a regular stop. You might even get some linkage. Aren't you honored? GACK!